03 August 2005

Terms of Endearment

Okay, can I just say I love Shirley MacLaine. I'm glad I'd only ever seen one tiny snippet of this movie before, because that way it was all kind of new to me. I bet if I'd seen it in the 80s the way I'd seen, let's say Heartburn or something, that I'd be all in to it in a big way. Now I just kind of liked it. I didn't get too sucked in, and I didn't bawl when she died. (I actually had no idea she was going to die. Frankly when she did I didn't care because I didn't like her all that much. I didn't like any of them all that much. Except Jack Nicholson, because he was the only honest person around.) Anyhow. I'm glad I finally saw it. Now I can get over it.


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